
Showing posts from October, 2023

Finding Your Passion & Making It Your Job -- Yutsuki Minoura

  "What skills do you want to be using at work?" I can do anything to do the work. I am good  at seeing what is going on around me and I want to do what everyone else doesn't want to do. This is my skill I want use at work. "What do you want to get out of work?" I only have part-time customer service experience, but what I want to gain from this is a strong mentality. I want to have a strong mentality that does not get upset no matter how many unreasonable and heartless customers say things to me. "What kind of working environment would you prefer?" I am not good at getting up early in the morning anyway, so I prefer a work environment where I can start late. "....Is this something you would like to try? If so, how could you make it happen?" Yes, I would like to do it. Because I really have a lot of hobbies and interests in most things. However, I think it would be difficult and it is not realistic for me to manage to get myself a lot of work

Finding Your Paassion & Makit It Your Job-- Soma Imai October 31, 2023

I want to be a logistics staff. “What skills do you want to be using at work?” I think my skill is having broad perspectives and be able to understand situations quickly, so I want to use these. “What do you want to get out of work?” I want to gradually improve my communication skills as I get the job done. In addition to this, I want to communicate with people in all over the world. “ What kind of place would you prefer?”   I want to work at Amazon. Because when I was in Japan, I did part-time job in Amazon and I interested in logistics, also it was a very comfortable working environment. For example, the risk of failure is very low because work efficiency is quantified and manualized. “Is this something you would like to try? If so, how could you make it happen?” Yes, of course. For working at Amazon, I have to improve language skills more and more, also, I have to figure out about numerical data. Therefore, I think it is so hard way. “Can you see yourself having such a career?” No,

Finding My Passion & Making It My Job -- Mika

  I will answer the Emma’s questions. "What skills do you want to be using at work?"   First, I would like to use skill of solve problems. I think it is including listening skill and logical thinking ability. The reason is I feel reward for solving something by my proposal. "What do you want to get out of work?"     Second, I would like to get professional skill like IT and experience with prime vender from young employees. I can raise my market value in order to get them. Also, it is easier to do career changing. "What kind of working environment would you prefer?"    Third, I would like to work online because I do not like commuting. Also, I would like to work small to medium enterprise. In my opinion, big company has many workers so that there are a few chances to try by myself and to promote. On the other hand, startup, and venture company do not developed systems in place. And the worker is more responsible than worker in big company even though

Finding Your Paassion & Makit It Your Job-- Shanin Hirakawa

  “What skills do you want to be using at work?” I would like to use my Interpersonal skills and organizational skills, because flight attendant must speak two or more languages. “What do you want to get out of work?”   I want to get the communication skills, because I think it connects with human relationship which is difficult to our life.   “ What kind of place would you prefer?”      I want to work with people from various cultures and with different ideas. I think if work with them, I think I could improve human resources management and understanding people's feeling.   “Is this something you would like to try? If so, how could you make it happen?”    Yes, I would like to try that. By choosing with a lot of job options, I don't have trouble with work. In addition, if didn't like or not suits for me, I can change whenever I wanted to.   “Can you see yourself having such a career?”   No, I can’t. I will probably change my future job, so I think I would apply two or more

Finding Your Passion & Making It Your Job -- Hana Suzuki

    On this page, I'm going to answer the 6 questions. I want to be an English teacher someday. “What skills do you want to be using at work?” I would like to use my communication skills for the job. I think I'm good at getting alongwell with someone even if someone is the person I meet for the first time. Also, I think I'm good at keeping a good relationship with someone. “What do you want to get out of work?”    I would like to get the abiliry of  patience from the work because I don't have it. It is also because I have experienced the incidents of lack of patience and trouble many many times. If I will be a teacher, this abilities must be required. “ What kind of place would you prefer?”      I would like to work at a school because I want to be a teacher. Moreover, I want to work with my beautiful memory of my school days. By workimg at a school, I think I can remember. “Is this something you would like to try? If so, how could you make it happen?” Yes!I This is

Finding Your Passion & Making It your Job -- Keita Adachi

      I want to try to find solutions for many problems in my job.     I want to enjoy my hobbies and study about several things which I'm interested in.     I like workplaces where I can work without feeling stressed due to relationships with co-workers.     I would like to do multiple work placements because it sounds inspiring.     I think I will have such career if I can because I will want to find a job which is suitable for me.     I agree with her opinion. And I think the length of my free time is important because I need my free time to relax.

Finding Your Passion & Making It Your Job -- Kazuki Hashimoto

 I want to keep using my brain at work because simple work is not suitable and dull for me. Using my brain will make work enjoyable and  stimulating. It also leads to develop myself in various different ways. From out of work, I want to learn a lot of things like manners and common senses. We can learn some of them for the first time after working in society as a worker. In my opinion, attitude of learning allows us to enjoy working. I prefer outdoors to office work, but I like both of them. Thus, I hope to do a work which has both opportunities in the future.  I  want to try to work at a marketing company and as a real estate appraiser. If I work as a real estate appraiser in Japan, I need a qualification which is very difficult to get. At present, I don't know what kind of job I really want to do in the future and I'm still thinking. I can't see myself having in a career that Emma mentioned.  It's important to become a wide achiever, but I think a high achieve is more

Finding Your Passion & Making It Your Job -- Mone Muto

  I don’t have any obvious plan yet, so my answers are just ideal, not realistic. “What skills do you want to be using at work?” I want to play a role as a cushioning material at a workplace, because I have been doing this kind of role for a long time at pert time jobs. I don’t want to work at companies whose interpersonal relationships are not good, but I think there is no company which has only good relationships. I want to fix them, so I will be a cushion for my company. “What do you want to get out of work?” I can give a clear, strong answer for this question, and it’s that I want to feel rewarded. I don’t mind whether the return is tangible or not. I really love to be praised by people, so just words are enough for me. “What kind of place would you prefer?”  To be honest, I’d like to work at a small company like a home. I think I’m not a person who follows regulations, but most big companies have strict rules to control so many workers, so I want to choose cozy companies. “Is this

"Finding Your Passion & Making It Your Job -- Haruka Ikegami"

I will answer the six questions. “What skills do you want to be using at work?” I would like to use my communicative and cheerful skills for work. I really like talking with someone. Actually, I continued work part-time jobs as a stuff of Saint Marc Cafe, UNIQLO and Universal Studio Japan for 3 years. I could enjoy working and I was always looking forward to working. “What do you want to get out of work?”   I want to get the other new skills. I also would like to experience many kinds of things for work. Additionally, I want to try to work in various kinds of environments. For example, a company which has huge amount of employee, more flexible in-company system, more friendly or strict company and so on.   “ What kind of place would you prefer?”      I want to work for a big company. Because, almost of big companies have well-organized training system and in-company system. Therefore, when I will decide to change the jobs, I would already have various of skills. It will be useful to ch

"Finding Your Passion & Making It Your Job -- Rin Oyama

I think everyone can agree that it is right to decide on the type of work that suits an individual's personality. However, this is not a realistic way of thinking in modern society, especially in modern Japan. This is because in today's Japan, those who give jobs have more power than those who do the work. Personality is merely a tool for companies to select human resources, and it is believed that individuals should change or omit their personality for the sake of work. However, Emma Rosen argued that ultimately, personal happiness should be the most important consideration when choosing a career. In other words, she showed that you can get a better job by identifying what you want to do and what you can do, what you want to learn from the job, and what you want from the environment. is. She predicts that future trends will include working in different types of jobs and having a wide range of employment status, including freelance, full-time, and part-time positions. However,

Finding Your Passion & Making It Your Job

Emma Rosen suggests asking yourself 3 questions to help clarify what kind of work you should do. They are "What skills do you want to be using at work?" -- Do you like to lead a team, write or solve problems? "What do you want to get out of work?" -- It could be the chance to change the world or to enjoy variety or, say, autonomy in the workplace -- and "What kind of working environment would you prefer?" -- Do you want to work in an office or outdoors, for a big company or start your own? How about you? Respond to Emma's 3 questions in this post. Emma also suggests it is important to do multiple work placements in a range of careers. That way you can choose a job based on knowledge and experience rather than assumptions, hearsay and expectations. Is this something you would like to try? If so, how could you make it happen? Emma characterises herself as a wide achiever rather than a high achiever and suggests that the 'porfolio career' where on

Mika -- Idealist

 IDEALIST (Spontaneous, Ideas, Heart, Introvert)   How I see myself: × bright, 〇 forgiving, 〇 curious What I am like: generally easy-going, may refuse to compromise What I don’t match: flexible, can be stubborn   Generally IDEALIST’s Strengths Generally IDEALIST’s Weaknesses Loyal and devoted × ·        Sensitive to feelings × ·        Caring and interested in others × ·        Works well alone 〇 ·        Value close relationships 〇 ·        Good at seeing "the big picture" 〇 ·        Can be overly idealistic × ·        Tends to take everything personally 〇 ·        Difficult to get to know △ ·        Sometimes loses sight of the little things 〇 ·        Overlooks details 〇     My personality is Idealist. But I disagree it very much. I think I’m Planner, Fact, and Head. It’s up to date whether I’m extrovert or introvert.    

Hana Suzuki -- Realist

 The result of the personality test was that I am Realist. According to the result, I am mature, stable, and conscientious. To be honest, I think I am mature and stable person. However, I don't think I am conscientious person because I'm lazy. I think I'm in opposite side to conscientious, but I am always perceived as a conscientious person by people I meet for the first time, so I should try to be this person. Moreover, this test said that I am like loyal, straightforward, respect facts and rules, and may not have faith in other people's ability. I believe loyal and may not have faith in other people's ability are correct. As for straightforward, I partly agree because it's depends on the situation or event. I sometime can be straightforward. On the other hand, I rarely can be straightforward. Plus, I think I'm not like a respecting facts and rules person. The reason is that I want to keep free. I mean I don't want to be tied down by anything. Finally,


  My personality type was PEACEMAKER, and it means I’m spontaneous, facts, heart, and introvert. According to it, I have three characters; steady, gentle, and sympathetic, and I agree with this result, because I don’t have emotional ups and downs. I really don’t like fighting and arguing, so I’ve never fought with friends for a long time. However, sometimes you might see me as a sentimental person, because I’m easily moved to tears. Whenever my friends cry, I cry along with them. Judging from this instance, I’m not gentle, but it can be said as sympathetic, so I believe these three characters are true for me. In addition to that, the personality test also said that I’m sensitive to the feelings of others and the world around you, can be self-critical, and is often difficult to get to know. In my personal opinion, it’s a little different from my actual tendency. I’m quite obstinate, so I can’t be self-critical. I always believe my thoughts when there are many people who have different o

Yutsuki Minoura -- IDEALIST

The text says that IDEALIST sees myself bright, forgiving, curious. I agree that I am curious and forgiving. Because I am interested in many things and I can understand and accept the interests of someones that I do not know. However, I think it is hard to say that I am bright because I often think negative thoughts even if I am smiling.  In addition, text says I am generally easy-going, flexible, can be stubborn, and may refuse to compromise. It seems to be a different personality between being easy-going and flexible and being stubborn and refusing to compromise. However, I really agree with these personalities. I am stubborn and refuse to compromise on some topics I handle, but on the other hand, I am flexible on what I do not care for. It may depend on the situation or my mood. In other words, I am a moody person.

Moses Keon Oh Lee -- PERFORMER

  My personality is PERFORMER. This type is enthusiastic, sociable, and sensitive to me. And I am like fun-loving, outgoing, often a good motivator and can be unreliable. I think some of them are correct and some of them are incorrect to me. I agree about I am enthusiastic, sociable, sensitive, fun-loving, outgoing, and often a good motivator.   I usually enthusiastic like a fire. But like a fire, with no more firewood, sometime I quickly fizzle out.  And I usually want to meet another people and hang out with them.  Also I am sensitive to emotions, so I tend to be sensitive to other people's emotions at times.  I enjoy giving advice to help people who around me overcome difficult situation when they are going through tough times. Sometimes I think that there is little significance of word what I’m saying because I often talk too much. However, I cannot agree that it can be unreliable.

Rin Oyama -- Resolver

      My personality based on a test from page 9 is RESOLVER, so I have four perticluar aspects of spontaneous, facts, head, and itrovert. I'm quite interested in this test because I have not ever take the test about the personality of people ever. This makes me clear and understanding to notice what I have in my mind.     Firstly, I would like to explain the fact on a person who am a resolver. They tend to see themselves as be understanding, stable, and easy-going. I partly agree with these views. I am a pretty understanding and easy-going person, but I am not sure that I am stable. For instance, I love thinking and come up with new idea a lot and quickly, so I frequently change my opinions. It is no suitable for being stable, I think. Interestingly, several my friends are surprised at me because they cannot believe that I am natural risk-taker, and I enjoy an adrenaline rush. I do not think that it is not good to take a risk. I strongly believe that nobodu can get an achivment wi

Keita Adachi -- Resolver

  Though I think it fit me on the whole, it doesn't fit me in one way. I think I'm independent because I feel alone time is very important for me. And I think I'm stable good at finding solutions because I can stay calm and think of as many solutions as possible when an emergency occurs. In addition to these, I feel I'm  easy-going because I give up looking for solutions very quickly when there is a problem I can't do anything about it. For these reasons, it roughly fits me. However, I think I'm not a natural risk-taker. On the contrary, I think I tend to try to avoid risks as much as possible.  Therefore, it doesn't fit me in this way.

Haruka Ikegami --- Mentor

Personality: Mentor (Planner+ Idea+ Heart+ Extrovert) How you see yourself: intelligent, outgoing, sensitive What you are like: articulate, warm, lively, extremely sensitive to people's needs,                              may become overbearing  My personality is Mentor. I agree with these 4 elements: Planner, Idea, Heart, Extrovert about myself. But, I'm so optimistic person not too sensitive. Exactly, I always try to care about words or actions for people. However, I am not sensitive as mentioned above. Actually, according to MBTI, my personality is ENFJ. I think Mentor and ENFJ have very similar elements. So, this personality match me.          

Shanin Hirakawa -- Peacemaker

The personality test says that my personality is peacemaker. For how I see myself is that I am steady, gentle and sympathetic. Honestly, I think that I am steady and gentle person, but I don't think that I am sympathetic person. The reason is, when some people did bad things for someone or for me, I hide my feeling and do not show to them that I am feeling irritated of that situation. Also, this personality test tells me that I am sensitive to the feelings of others and the world around me, can be self-critical and often difficult to get to know. This personality might be suits for me, because when me and the other three person hang out in somewhere and told me my joke, at first it I think it is prank, but deep inside, It makes me hurt sometime. In contrast, I think I am  not self-critical person. This is because, for example, when I get late at school, I do not think that that are my fault instead the bus fault. Actually, the bus came to the bus station lately, so that is not my f

Rio Tanaka -- Resolver

  My personality is Resolver. The textbooks saids that I’m understanding, stable, and easy-going. I think it’s almost true, but I don’t think I’m stable. Because I am so lazy that I am often in hurry and make some mistakes. Also, the textbook saids I’m independent, rational, good at finding solutions, natural risk-taker, enjoy am adrenaline rush, often focus on short-term results, and sometimes lose sight of the bigger picture. I agree with the point of view of independence, rationality, being good at finding solutions and focusing on short-term results. However, I disagree with the others. I want to be safe and calm, so I don’t want to take risks, enjoy adrenaline rush. Although I have some disagreement with the description of my personality, resolver, I think it’s fits me the most of all the personality types.  

Soma Imai -- Counsellor

I am going to discuss about my personality type which guessed by the test, and then following table is details about mine. My personality type: counsellor How you see yourself: gentle, peaceful, cautious What you are like: relaxed and creative, deeply private, can be difficult to get to know I think all of these are fitting to my personality. First, the section of "How you see yourself" is completely correct. Exactly, I often be nervous and be careful of new things. For example, new environment, new class, new community and so on. Second, the section of "What you are like" is also fitting to me. Especially, "creative and deeply private" is so accurately. Actually, I would like to invent original meals without any recipes. Because, I can create and adjust to the taste what I like due to using no recipes. I think it is a kind of creativity. In addition to this, I prefer having meals alone to having meals with some people. Therefore, "creative and deeply

Kazuki Hashimoto -- PEACEMAKER

  My personality is PEACEMAKER. I don’t fit this type very much because I’m not sensitive to the feeling of others and cannot be self-critical. However, some points true for me, for example, steady and gentle. On the whole, I partly agree with this result, but I don’t think it’s not my personality.

What's Your Personality?

Write a post about your personality. Title the post "Your Name -- Your Personality Type." Discuss to what extent the type fits you. In what ways does the description on page 106 match your personality and it what ways doesn't it match. Upload a relevant image along with your text.

Welcome to the Class Blog

Hi, everyone! Welcome aboard to our class blog. I am looking forward to reading what you write and learning about what you believe and how you feel, here. So, let the journey begin.