
Showing posts from December, 2023

How to survive when you are made sarcastic remarks by customers---Haruka Ikegami

  I worked at Saint Marc café and Uniqlo as a part timer for 3 years when I was in Japan. At that time, I have met many strange customers. And I sometimes have experienced that I was made sarcastic remarks by them unfairly. Therefore, I will introduce the way to survive when you are made sarcastic remarks by customers. This story is based on my experience.   I want to introduce my funny and terrible story about that. When I was working at the café, irritating customer suddenly threw a cup of coffee in my face! At that time, I couldn’t understand my situation. However, I continued working with my wet body lol.   So, if you are made sarcastic remarks or treaty by customers unfairly, let’s think that “I am so happy that you are not my family member” lol. Because they don’t never relevant to my life from now on, do they? If you end up to be able to think like that, you will notice that you don’t need to go down to their levels.

How to Survive a solo living -- Mika

When I entered a uni, I started to live alone in Osaka. It was great time for me so I will talk about how to survive a solo living.  ・Try to find a new favorite shops like barker, cafe. ・Go outside every day. ・Enjoy reversed Day-Night Lifestyle ・ Let's rearrange the room occasionally Especially, I strongly recommend first tip "Try to find a new favorite shops".  If you find them, it will create the joy of waking up early and heading out on weekend or in the morning. Going to the barker cafe after my morning shift was a great memory. 

How to Survive a Sleepless Night -- Yutsuki Minoura

I have had trouble sleeping at night sometimes since I was a little girl. Here are four tips to help you sleep comfortably at night. 1. Keep warm When it is cold, it is really uncomfortable and hard to sleep. Hot water bottle is the best item. 2. Flexible stretching before going to bed It will warm up your body and make it easier to sleep.   3. Listening to ASMR videos with earphones It is really comfortable. Just be careful not to look at your phone, because you won't be able to sleep. 4. Think only Good Things What I think about at night is usually negative, and thinking about it doesn't change it. Thinking only good things calms me down a bit.

How to survive traveling alone -- Kazuki

Traveling alone is lonely for some people, but I love traveling by myself. Thus, I want to tell you what I keep in mind to while traveling. First, I want you to try to go somewhere by your own before starting travel. The reason is that you can't enjoy that if you find going out alone boring. Then, you can know about things what you enjoy. Some people fit cafe hopping, others fit sightseeing. What everyone likes is so different. So, you need ton know. Third, I recommend you make a plan to travel when you travel by yourself for the first time. Finally, not worrying about others is the best key while traveling. After all, you can not enjoy traveling if you compared others.

How to survive a ghost encounter -- Hana Suzuki

    Recently, I encounted the scary things, ghost. At that time, I found 4 solutions if you encounter a ghost, so I'll share you these things.    Firstly, don't trust is the most important things. The reason is that if so, it means you never met the ghost. All unusual phenomena because of a ghost will be misunderstanding for you and you will not feel scared.    Secondly, if you are the person who trust it, you sholdn't be scared because once you feel scared, this feeling is growing more and more. You think it's all the work of ghosts even if it's not the work of ghost.    Thirdly, don't think is also good things to calm down. However, it's really difficult things for many people because it's natural to think about it when they encounter it. In this case, you can pretend that you don't think about it. By doing so, you naturally stop thinking about it. What is important here, whether you can fool yourself.    Lastly, accepting this situation is great,

How to survive when you are scolded by someone -- Mone Muto

  I'm the kind of person who often gets yelled at, and I finally found the best solution to go through such severe situations. First, you have to tilt your head back to look the person who gets mad at you in the eyes, because if you face down, you are looked down on by him. You have to make an effort not to show your weaknesses. Then, I recommend you to think about your favorite songs while you are scolded by him. It’s important not to take it seriously and think that he is kidding. Then, you should say that I’m so sorry countless times if you don’t want to apologize to him. ‘ I’m sorry’ is a very useful word. Finally, if you can’t make him calm down, let’s run away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t be afraid. Whatever happens, happens.

How to survive a family holiday Rin Oyama

 How to survive a family holiday     A family holiday is a challenge for me, because all members of my family have quite different preferences. Especially, for me, I often feel anxious that my mother decide to go outside on a family holiday. I really like to stay at home, and I prefer indoor activities such as reading books and watching movies to outdoor ones. She has a huge power to determined something in my family, so when she suggests to spend a family holiday to enjoy the outside leisure, we should accept her idea apparently happily.      Because I would hate us having a trouble, I always follow to our family. However, these days I find that it is exciting for me to do what I can do at home outside. For example, if I and my family go camping close to mountains or rivers, I will sit down a chair and read books while listening to the sound of streams or birds. It is just unusual events, and I feel grate and wonder when happening something unexpectable.      Lastly, I mean that it is

How to survive living in new place--Rio Tanaka

  To survive living in a new place, I think being brave is the most important. I realized it during my studying abroad in Dunedin. I’m from Tokyo, Japan, so almost everything here was new for me. Because of it, I was a little nervous and hesitated. However, a few weeks after I came here, I learned that people in Dunedin are kind. From this realization, I I became able to ask people for help. Then, I could live with comfort and happiness. 

How to survive continuing habits -- Soma Imai

 As we all know, keeping a habit is very difficult. But it may feel a little easier if you do the four things I am about to describe. The first is to keep at it, even if it is just a little bit each day, and never quit. Second, make sure you know how many days you have kept it up. Third, set some small goals and reward yourself when you achieve them. And fourth, if you feel really tough, make the habit itself a little easier. However, the fourth thing should only be used when you really just can't do it, because if you repeat it too often, the habit will become meaningless.

How To Survive memorizing -- Keita Adachi

      Sometimes we have to memorize many things for examinations. That is very hard, but I have 4 methods which I actually used in the past to memorize various things efficiently and easily.      First, we should memorize something before going to bed. And second, we should review the thing which we memorize before going to bed at last night in next day's morning. It helps us memorize something for a long term because our brains organize our memories during sleeping. Third, we should make these our daily routine. Actually, I studied same textbooks about grammar and vocabulary of English every day, and I felt it was not hard for me to study with these after I had made these my daily routine. It helps us study something on a daily basis. Fourth, in my personal opinion, we'd better not memorize something by writing it many times. Instead of it, I believe we should memorize something only by reading because  memorizing by writing costs a lot of time.

How To Survive X

Write a post giving advice about how to deal with a difficult situation e.g. 'How to Survive Losing Your Wallet.' Try to include 4 tips in your post. Illustrate your post with a relevant image.