Finding Love- Mika

 What is the best way to find love?

The way I envision finding my ideal love is for it to develop from friendships formed at school or through shared activities. I believe this is important because getting to know the person well and confirming their true character before becoming a couple is paramount. Additionally, observing how someone interacts with third parties, such as store clerks, is also noteworthy. 

Do you prefer searching for 'that special person' online or in real life?

I prefer in real life because it’s a little scared me to meet online. I think there's a possibility of the other person lying when meeting online. I've heard of cases where people I met through online dating apps lied about their appearance or age in person compared to what they presented online.

Do you expect love to come your way incidentally as you go about your daily life?

Certainly, I believe that being open is important if you want to find love. I think love can be addictive, which is why it's important to quickly separate from a partner who has a negative impact on you.



  1. I strongly agree with all of your opinion lol
    I thought you are very mature because you don't only focus on their personality but also you consider their behavior to other person. That is so important thing to figure out whether they is special person for me. And I like talking with you about finding love too,(^^)

    1. If you were to say that to me, I would be delighted. 😊

  2. I really agree with your last sentence!! Moreover, I would like to hear my friends' opinion about someone I like!!!

  3. It is really important to observe the attitude toward the clerks!!!

  4. I completely agree with your opinion. Same as you, I prefer to find love at school or store clerks, because I can spend a lot of time together and it sounds like romantic encounter for me!

  5. I also think developing from friendships formed at school or through shared activities is the most safety and stabilizing way!


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